Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
And inward self-disparagement affords
To meditative spleen a grateful feast.”
--William Wordsworth
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about the concept of self-improvement. For those not aware (and if anyone's reading this thing anyway), I've been doing the "Slim4Life" weight loss program for about a month, and I have lost twenty-one pounds thus far. That in and of itself is improvement.
However. Man is not improved by weight loss alone. There are a lot of things about me that bug me, that could be improved upon.
For instance, I procrastinate. A lot. With just about everything. I have this mental block between point A (realizing I need to do something) and point B (actually getting up and doing it). I have a near-paralyzing fear of conflict. I don’t like fights, verbal or otherwise. I therefore don’t communicate very well with most of the people around me. This is not to say that I would primarly like to or need to be arguing with everyone I know, but that in those instances where I do need to speak up, speak my mind, put in my two cents' worth...I seldom do. Live and let live. Let sleeping dogs lie. Whatever. Experts now say that this could kill me, and I'm working on it. I started with Brian. I'm sure he was thrilled.
What else…. Well, there’s my utter inability to use a calculator correctly. I always miss a button, or read the numbers wrong, hit the AC button when I meant to hit the CE button. I don't know what it is. A lifelong struggle with numbers, in any case. Oh yeah. Lately I can’t seem to finish a book. Novels, sure, but all the nonfiction stuff I have laying around…can’t finish any of it. I think I’ve always done that, but it’s annoying me now. I buy a lot of books, it’s one of my few indulgences, and I’m starting to feel like I’m wasting a lot of money when I don’t read a book all the way through.
And, according to Brian, I
A) don’t smile enough; and
B) am a “terrible” housekeeper.
More things to work on.
PostScript: By the way, when I first got my packet of info from Slim4Life, there's a picture (stock photography) of Chris Jensen on the cover. He's eating watermelon, wearing his usual smile. The one Kugel used to give him crap about. I had to laugh. He still looks good!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Just thought those were pretty. I love yellow roses.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Okay, some backstory. I saw Raiders when I was eleven years old. My mom had to drag me there; Charlie Ferguson had told me there were tarantulas in Raiders so I had decided I didn't want to see it, but my mom saw it and knew I'd like it, so she took me. And man, was I hooked. Hooked on movies ... hooked on Harrison Ford. That movie opened my eyes about what a movie could do, what it could be like, what it SHOULD be like. Since then, biiiiiiiig Harrison Ford fan. I even forgave him for Six Days, Seven Nights. Yeah, really.
So was I looking forward to seeing this new Indiana Jones movie? Of course. Were my expectations really high? No, not really (Ebert's critique notwithstanding). Was I disappointed? Well...I liked about 50% of the film. I guess you could call that living up to low expectations.
When they stopped and took a breath and let Harrison act, I liked the movie. When they were careering along and things got really eye-rollingly goofy...they might as well have had a little image of George Lucas pop up in the corner of the screen, saying "This part was MY idea!" Seriously, that man should not have been allowed anywhere near this movie. Harrison should have knocked him unconscious with the handle of the bullwhip and told Steven to get on with things.
Raiders of the Lost Ark is a brilliant, beautiful film. People make mock when they find out I've seen it in the theater more than 40 times (yeah, really) but if you've seen it on the big screen, you know why I've seen it that many times. It's beautiful. The cinematography is stunning. From beginning to end. Stunning. The acting is perfect. The script...perfect. There isn't one thing I'd change about that movie. The next two were enjoyable. They have their merits. But compared to Raiders, they're shadows of what might have been. Hell, Last Crusade is a freakin' comic book compared to Raiders. I still do a slow burn when I think about what a buffoon they turned Marcus into. This fourth had its moments. The scene with the quicksand? Loved it. Marion Ravenwood strolling back into Indy's life? Couldn't have been happier to see her. The kid? He was okay. He made me laugh a few times. Do I think he'll fit in the fedora? Hmmm...I think the right guy walked out wearing the fedora in the final scene.
Yes, I'll buy the DVD. I'll wait for the special edition, tho.
Friday, May 23, 2008
And a bird egg we found:
It was a fun evening!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Four places I go over and over:
1. Work
2. Preschool
3. PriceChopper
4. Home
Four people who email me regularly:
1. Brian
2. My sister
3. Dana
4. Aunt Dot
Four favorite places to eat:
1. Slim4Life
2. Won't
3. Let Me
4. Eat
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. New Orleans
2. Long Beach Island
3. Key West (I'm assuming)
4. Anywhere but here, staring down the barrel of another Monday at work
Four TV shows I watch all the time ("all the time" being relative...I don't watch anything all the time, that would mean I *have* time, and if I did have time I'd be reading books instead):
1. Friends reruns
2. Ace of Cakes
3. How It's Made
4. House Hunters
Seth is doing something kind of funny now, tho I think it's really heralding the advent of The Fib. Brian's been after him for some time now to stop sucking his thumb, and what Seth has really learned is just not to do it so much when Daddy is around. He certainly hasn't stopped sucking his thumb(s). What he's been doing lately is when he sees that Daddy has entered the room, he'll pull his thumb out of his mouth and say "Daddy, I'm not sucking my thumb!" Which, at that moment, is the literal truth. Brian will say, "But you were sucking your thumb," and Seth usually replies "But I'm not sucking my thumb now." There's no arguing with that, and he knows it. Tonight, Brian said "Your thumb is wet, I can see it from here." So...the *next* time it happened, Seth wiped his thumb off before he said anything. And of course, Brian and I laughed.
Tell me honestly...we're raising an evil genius, aren't we. Should we get him started in politics sooner, or later?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
And then Seth!
Oh, and I found my copy of My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes, I'm so excited!! I thought it was lost forever, stuck in that tear in the time-space continuum that Seth found when he was first walking. My Arbonne mascara is in there, I know it! (Mrs. Whatsit has probably used it up by now...)
AND, Seth slept in his new big-boy bed last night for the first time, we bought a twin bed yesterday and he seems to like it, slept in it last night with no argument, no wistful "Can I sleep in your bed?" instead. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that he continues to like his new bed!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Meet Dodge, the newest member of the family. We picked him up at the shelter in Warrensburg this morning. Have to take him back Tuesday to get neutered, and I hope he doesn't think we're just rejecting him! He's a mix, Australian cattle dog and blue heeler, about 2 or 3 yrs old, they think. He was found out on Hwy 50, nearly got hit by a Dodge, hence the name. He's pretty smart, already knows some commands, so he was somebody's boy. Seth isn't too sure what to think yet, but I think they'll grow on each other. He really wants to play with Seth, but Seth doesn't know what to do when he runs toward him yet.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Mother's Day is this Sunday, I'm sure you're all aware. Brian invited his family over and we're grilling steaks; my family won't be there. Guess I'll be cleaning house all day tomorrow. What a treat.
Looks like the summer movie season is getting underway; I have a list of films I hope we manage to see - Indiana Jones IV, Kung Fu Panda, Wall-E, The X-Files, Dark Knight. Might I finally be emerging from my "gray period"? Just don't ask me if I watched this or that television show last night, I promise you I didn't. I don't have *any* shows anymore, nothing at all that I watch regularly. If I can catch an episode, I'll try to sit down for a Friends rerun, The Ace of Cakes, How It's Made, or the show on Travel Channel about digging for "treasure" where the goofy chick travels around digging for aquamarines or diamonds or whatever. That's actually something I'm interested in doing some day, dig for diamonds or pan for gold. As with everything else, that "some day" will be when Seth is older and can participate more. I have so many cool things I want to go do, but I want him to remember doing them!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.” – Arthur Miller
We’re in kind of a bad situation here at work. Yesterday, one of the owners informed us that a coworker has been embezzling money (a LOT of money) from the company, that they confessed to it over the weekend and that they were, of course, no longer employed with us.
To say we were all shocked is something of an understatement. Flummoxed is also an applicable term here. This was someone we liked and trusted and this has totally blindsided us. I'm still having trouble coming to terms with it, a day later.
For me, the most upsetting thing has been that everything this person did while they were working here will now be called into question. Everything will seem suspicious in retrospect. And all the pleasant memories I have of this person will be completely overwhelmed by the betrayal. I could try to have an understanding of why they did what they did but I've decided not to give it that much thought. We have to repair the damage here and move on. I can only hope that this former coworker finds a way to straighten themselves out and repair the damage they've done to their family.
Monday, May 5, 2008
If you know me well, you know I’m not really a “plant person." I don’t garden. I, sadly, have a Black Thumb. I can kill an air plant. It’s mysterious and disturbing and it was always thus. I have, amazingly, over the past couple years, managed to grow some basil in a pot on our front porch, but I attribute it solely to Brian’s presence on the property. Had it been left alone with only me, I’m sure the basil would not only have not grown well, but actually mutated into something with legs, and run for its life.
Brian, on the other hand, loves to plant and grow things and generally does a fine job of it. So I encourage this behavior, as one of us has to do it and it cannot, obviously, be me. Over the past few days, he’s done some planting and puttering around and I thought I’d give him a shout-out here on my blog; his props, as it were. He certainly deserves them.
Blueberry plants (two varieties) – I guess he just wanted blueberries. Let me amend that. He will eventually want a blueberry cobbler.
Celosia – we bought these at the Powell Garden plant sale the other night. Brian had just wanted the red, but I grabbed the yellow, too. Told him it could be our Chiefs garden display. These are annuals, so it will be a short-lived display. I hope the organization is suitably appreciative.
Coleus – again, I went off the map a little and got Brian to color coordinate. I thought the deep magenta went well with the dark green and the pinky-white varieties.
Chenille plant – I saw this in the mailing Powell Garden sent out a couple weeks ago, thought it was unusual and pretty. This was the last one at the sale, some woman was stockpiling them and we reached in and sniped the last one. I think it pissed her off a little, too. No bogarting!!
He also planted some vibernum (viburnum?) but I didn't get a picture.
As for the rest of the yard, we’ve got quite a bit going on. Big lilac bush, that unfortunately doesn’t bloom very successfully. Just a few at the very top of the bush, and not very vibrant. Too much shade?
Some roses. Some very unsuccessful hydrangea. Some hostas. I put some mint in a couple years ago and it died very quickly. Probably shouldn’t have handled it myself. Stupid black thumb.
Oh, and the outside cat, alternately called Petie and/or Puddy. Seth generally calls him Puddy the Cat. And then jumps on him. He's very sweet, tho unneutered, so I imagine we'll have small Puddy Cat replicas before too long. There is, of course, as is the nature of things, a female stray in the general vicinity of our house as well. She's had kittens here before.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I almost hope the Mayans were right, and things do change in December of 2012. We need something to happen, that’s for sure.